Those of you who have seen the movie, Fireproof, may have recognized the title. In that movie, Caleb, on the brink of divorce, is given a "dare" by his father. The dare shows Caleb what marriage is and, ultimately, leads him to the Cross on the way.
Well today is Valentine's Day and, as I type this, I am watching the Tweets and the Facebook posts from people all over. They are posting about flowers, candy, date nights, love letters, their significant others...or their "woes" about being single on this "lover's holiday." On my personal blog, I posted the other day that Valentine's Day has a pretty rotten origin. And as a Christian, sometimes it's not so simple to know exactly how you ought to respond. My husband and I talked about it again this morning. We don't want to be legalistic but we do want to live righteously. With that being said, I have my own little "Love Dare" for you today. Actually....I have two. :)
If you are single...
I dare you to draw nigh unto God...(James 4:8)
I dare you to trust in Him, with ALL your heart...(Proverbs 3:5)
I dare you to let Him show you how to love...(1 Corinthians 13:4-8; John 13:5)
I dare you to see HOW MUCH in love He is with you!....(Jeremiah 31:3; Hosea 2:19-20; Romans 8:38-39)
I dare you to walk in wisdom, in love, and in purity....(Colossians 4:5; Ephesians 5:2; Matthew 5:8)
I dare you to let Him lead you in everything...(Proverbs 3:6)
If you are married...
I dare you to love each other as Christ loves you...(1 John 4:7)
I dare you to put one another above yourself....(Philippians 2:3)
I dare you (wives) to be your husband's help meet....(Genesis 2:18, Titus 2:3-5, Proverbs 31:10-30)
I dare you (husbands) to be your wife's protector and leader...(Ephesians 5:23-29)
I dare you to be kind, patient, and servant hearted with one another...(Galatians 5:13; Galatians 5:22-25)
I dare you to let God build your life, your marriage, and your family...(Psalm 127:1-5)
On this "day for lovers," I challenge you to fall more in love with our Lord and Savior. Because if HE is the all-complete lover of our souls, then all else will fall into place and into perspective.
That is beautiful. A wonderful "dare" that we should try to live by each and every day.