There is a new reality show on TV.
The name? Bridalplasty.
What's it about? Brides competing for plastic surgery.
Being an "all-things-wedding" lover, the title caught my eye. SO, I sat down to find out what the show was about. It took less than 10 minutes for me to change the channel. All in the name of "beauty" and offering "the dream wedding," the show is all about a woman's beauty coming from a fuller bust or slimmer waistline. It is about validating one's worth through being cut and "fixed." As if women need more pressure....
The women on the show compete by writing vows or planning honeymoons and the "winner" of each level is awarded various surgeries. I only watched long enough to witness a few chosen ladies who won a certain level and were moved up, leaving two women who had to return home, with no "cutting" in their future. Both girls cried over their loss, as I expected, but I remember thinking, "They are really very attractive. I can't imagine what they would want to cut on themselves." THEN my eyes caught two pictures hanging on the wall behind them. They were pictures of the same two ladies in beautiful wedding gowns - with a Barbie-like waist, colored hair, toned arms.... Very different from the true looks of the two girls left behind. Interviewing them, one by one, the first woman pointed to "her picture" and said, "I just wanted to look like that! That is how beautiful I could be! And now I'll never have a chance...." My blood boiled and my heart broke. Here was a pretty, average lady and her sense of self worth was so low, that she was on national television competing for a chance to change everything about her physical appearance. Her natural beauty was not good enough when held up next to mock photographs of some imagined model-like image of herself.
Our society has made beauty to be strictly outward when God Himself said that HE looks on the heart (2 Samuel 16:7). Have you, ladies, ever walked into Wal-Mart into the make-up section and just stood there overwhelmed? What about the shampoo and hair gel section? Or the face wash area? So many choices and so many targeted to "fix" puffy eyes, wrinkles, blotches, blemishes, age spots, freckles, and enlarged pores. Don't mistake me, there is nothing wrong with wanting to look your best or get rid of a few problem areas, but our society has made the outward physical appearance an obsession! The media holds up airbrushed models and tells us that we have to look like that - something that is unattainable, even for the model herself!
Hollywood produces magazines with the latest "how-to-fix-this" and "how-to-get-rid-of-that" in order to "keep your marriage on fire" and the number of lasting marital relationships in Hollywood is....well....I'll just say LOW.
The media has made beauty to be all about the outward adorning and has made marriage to be all about two things: sex and selfishness. Forget intimacy or deep bonding. It's now about the thrill and the fire of a biological act. Forget giving 100% all of the time. It is about getting your own needs met. Women are expected to show no emotion, be aggressive, be seductive little play toys, and never get wrinkles or stretch marks.
I'm on my soap box, I know. But how I wish that the girls and women of today would stop being materialistic and obsessed with their physical appearance. It is Jesus Christ who adorns a woman with beauty and HIS beauty lasts forever (yes, even well into your 70's). You can have all the plastic surgeries there is to offer, but if you do not have an intimate relationship with Christ, then your physical beauty is vain. Meaningless. And it will vanish quickly. You can have all the latest clothes, make-up, and accessories, and still feel worthless and unattractive. How I wish they would see that God did not just created us, He FORMED us. It is up to us to take care of our bodies and maintain them well, not to cut and tuck and change what He made. How I wish the girls and women of today would plant their high heels firmly on the ground and say, "MY beauty comes from my relationship with Jesus. MY marriage stays hot because we have the Author of Love in the center of our relationship."
A word to brides.... YES, it is your day. YES, I know you want to look BEAUTIFUL! But do not fall for the lie of this world. Your beauty comes with from Christ. It comes only from your closeness to our King. Perfect the inner beauty and the intimate relationship with Him, and you will be one radiantly beautiful bride! cutting involved!
Proverbs 31:30
"Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the LORD, she shall be praised."
Psalm 45:13-15 - "The king's daughter is all glorious within: her clothing is of wrought gold. She shall be brought unto the king in raiment of needlework: the virgins her companions that follow her shall be brought unto thee. With gladness and rejoicing shall they be brought: they shall enter into the king's palace."
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Saturday, November 6, 2010
It's Worth It All
Years ago, my family sang a song that said,
It's worth it all to feel a fire that's burning deep within
It's worth it all to know I'm saved and I am free from sin
Just to feel His touch and know that He is coming back again
It's worth it all, it's worth it all
Though that song has little to do with sexual purity, I couldn't help but sing those words yesterday as I was scurrying around the house doing what housewives do.
I was going through my iTunes yesterday after and, to my delight, I found our wedding ceremony loaded onto my I watched it, reminiscing about that day. During the ceremony, my Dad, who performed the marriage, told my story to the 250+ witnesses gathered there. He spoke of my commitment to purity and all the trials that came with waiting and waiting....and waiting....for 24 years. As he ended my story, he said, "And aren't you glad, Kristen, that you held on?" I was! Just seconds from my first kiss and hours from my wedding night, I was so glad that I had waited for my prince; that I had saved everything for him and him alone. As I watched the video yesterday and heard myself sing "I Do," my song to my groom, I literally wept.
Grant and I have been married for 6 1/2 months and yet it seems like it has been years ago since I sat on my bed writing in my journal about how difficult it was to be patient. It feels like it's been years since I was a single girl, uninterested in any guy, yet hoping and praying that one day I would have a fairytale love of my own. I spent years saying "no" to kisses, trying to avoid the inevitable "Will you go out with me?" pleas. I spent years watching one friend after another get their heart broken, bash their ex behind their back, then hook with up another "perfect" person and....well....rinse and repeat. Years of hearing, "Oh, she's pregnant now. Did you know?" and "She and know."
Am I glad those years have gone? Definitely. However, I wouldn't trade those years for anything. They made me stronger, more determined to do things God's way. Yet, looking back, I remember the discouragement that came from time to time. I remember getting on my knees, asking God for forgiveness, and then strength to do things the right way. I remember crying and then hearing my Lord's voice saying, "Come to me. I am your Lover, I am your Prince...and I won't leave. Trust ME."
It was hard. It always is when you do things the Lord's way. Jesus said that His road is narrow. It is filled with hills and valleys, storms and sometimes vicious hurricanes. But sweet it is to walk with Jesus! To KNOW that you are in His will. Somehow, no matter how dark the sky may be, there is still a peaceful calm and a ray of sunshine when you are walking the narrow road of Christ, with Him at your side, guiding you, leading you, strengthening you, interceding for you....
That's how I feel, looking back. Did I face the storms of laughter, jokes, and condescending looks? Yep. Did I face the loss of friends, the headache of being unable to find a guy who truly wanted to be my friend, no strings attached? I did. Did I wonder if it was really worth it? Did I wonder if all the hard work would pay off? Yes.
*smile* But after 6 1/2 months of wedded bliss with a Godly, handsome, tender, passionate, romantic, strong, faithful husband with whom I will have a little one come April....I have to say, like that old song says, it's worth it all!'s worth it all.
It's worth it all to feel a fire that's burning deep within
It's worth it all to know I'm saved and I am free from sin
Just to feel His touch and know that He is coming back again
It's worth it all, it's worth it all
Though that song has little to do with sexual purity, I couldn't help but sing those words yesterday as I was scurrying around the house doing what housewives do.
I was going through my iTunes yesterday after and, to my delight, I found our wedding ceremony loaded onto my I watched it, reminiscing about that day. During the ceremony, my Dad, who performed the marriage, told my story to the 250+ witnesses gathered there. He spoke of my commitment to purity and all the trials that came with waiting and waiting....and waiting....for 24 years. As he ended my story, he said, "And aren't you glad, Kristen, that you held on?" I was! Just seconds from my first kiss and hours from my wedding night, I was so glad that I had waited for my prince; that I had saved everything for him and him alone. As I watched the video yesterday and heard myself sing "I Do," my song to my groom, I literally wept.
Grant and I have been married for 6 1/2 months and yet it seems like it has been years ago since I sat on my bed writing in my journal about how difficult it was to be patient. It feels like it's been years since I was a single girl, uninterested in any guy, yet hoping and praying that one day I would have a fairytale love of my own. I spent years saying "no" to kisses, trying to avoid the inevitable "Will you go out with me?" pleas. I spent years watching one friend after another get their heart broken, bash their ex behind their back, then hook with up another "perfect" person and....well....rinse and repeat. Years of hearing, "Oh, she's pregnant now. Did you know?" and "She and know."
Am I glad those years have gone? Definitely. However, I wouldn't trade those years for anything. They made me stronger, more determined to do things God's way. Yet, looking back, I remember the discouragement that came from time to time. I remember getting on my knees, asking God for forgiveness, and then strength to do things the right way. I remember crying and then hearing my Lord's voice saying, "Come to me. I am your Lover, I am your Prince...and I won't leave. Trust ME."
It was hard. It always is when you do things the Lord's way. Jesus said that His road is narrow. It is filled with hills and valleys, storms and sometimes vicious hurricanes. But sweet it is to walk with Jesus! To KNOW that you are in His will. Somehow, no matter how dark the sky may be, there is still a peaceful calm and a ray of sunshine when you are walking the narrow road of Christ, with Him at your side, guiding you, leading you, strengthening you, interceding for you....
That's how I feel, looking back. Did I face the storms of laughter, jokes, and condescending looks? Yep. Did I face the loss of friends, the headache of being unable to find a guy who truly wanted to be my friend, no strings attached? I did. Did I wonder if it was really worth it? Did I wonder if all the hard work would pay off? Yes.
*smile* But after 6 1/2 months of wedded bliss with a Godly, handsome, tender, passionate, romantic, strong, faithful husband with whom I will have a little one come April....I have to say, like that old song says, it's worth it all!'s worth it all.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Bridal Beauty
Earlier this month, I had the joy of reuniting with some precious girls from a youth group. Many of them, knowing my purity testimony, asked about married life and I was able to tell them just how wonderful it is! We talked of purity, of relationships, and of the wedding day. MINE was such a beautiful and glorious day! Thinking back on it today, I began thinking of all the things I did to make myself beautiful for my wedding.
You may ask, "Why did you go to all that trouble?"
It seems like a lot for just one day. But it was THE DAY. And I wanted to look perfect for my groom. I wanted him to be captivated by my beauty. I wanted to be pleasing to him. Most any girl would agree that when they come to their wedding ceremony and wedding night, they want to look PERFECT!
With all that said, I have to say that we, as Christians, should do the same spiritually. I went to a lot of trouble for my wedding day. I had my hair done by a professional. I made sure my wedding gown was clean, pressed, and perfect. I took care to ensure my veil held no wrinkles. My shoes? They had to be clean and white, without a trace of dirt. On our wedding night, I did not throw on sweat pants and an old t-shirt. I adorned myself with a beautiful gown, clean and white. My spiritual state should be the same.
When Jesus Christ enters into your life, you are a bride! You are HIS! From that moment on, you have the desire to be clean, to be desirable, and to be beautiful for Him. You have the longing to always be perfectly groomed on the inside. To come before Him in old, smelly clothes with greasy hair, and unbrushed teeth is to show a careless attitude towards Him and your place as His bride. I am speaking spiritually. In my marriage with Grant, there have been moments where we have not looked our best. There have been mornings when I have been sick, and moments when my hair has been a mess and my clothes have been wrinkled. BUT my desire is to ALWAYS be desirable to him....and I put forth an effort. So it should be with our Jesus. I never want to come before Him and be unkempt and undesirable. I never want Him to see me dirty and unclean. Again, spiritually, I want to be BEAUTIFUL for Him! As girls, we always make time to make sure our hair is just so, our make-up is flawless, our breath is sweet-smelling, etc. We buy the straighteners, the curlers, the curling irons, the hair spray, the mousse, the gel, the styling creme, and the shampoo. We spend money making sure we have the foundation, the bronzer, the concealer, the mascara, the eyeliner, lipliner, lipstick, lipgloss, and lipbalm. We buy the razors, the lotions, the teeth whitener, the nail polish, the perfume, the clothes, the shoes, and the jewelry.
Girls and women have a built-in desire to be gorgeous on the outside. It is my desire, however, to be gorgeous on the inside; to make THAT my priority. If we, as Christian ladies, learn to, first, polish and perfect the inside, then that will seep forth and make our outward appearance radiant and stunning.
Proverbs 31:30
"Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the LORD, she shall be praised."
Psalm 45:11"So shall the king greatly desire thy beauty: for he is thy Lord; and worship thou him."
Psalm 90:17a
"And let the beauty of the LORD our God be upon us...."
The night before the big day, I deep conditioned my hair. I polished my toe nails and scrubs the balls of my feet until they were smooth. I had already gone to get a manicure so my fingers and hands were ready! I washed my face and put on a facial mask. The next morning, I brushed, scrubbed, buffed, shaved, moisturized, and polished. I went to the hair salon and got my hair pulled into a beautiful curled updo. Then, I took care in putting my makeup on just so! I highlighted, I concealed, I blushed, and I outlined. I dabbed myself with perfume. I donned my gorgeous dress, slipped into my pretty shoes, and put on my jewelry. On our wedding night, it was no different. After arriving at our hotel, I went to the bathroom to change. While I was in there, preparing for our sacred and long-awaited night, I fixed my hair, brushed my teeth, and tried to look and smell sweet and desirable.
You may ask, "Why did you go to all that trouble?"
It seems like a lot for just one day. But it was THE DAY. And I wanted to look perfect for my groom. I wanted him to be captivated by my beauty. I wanted to be pleasing to him. Most any girl would agree that when they come to their wedding ceremony and wedding night, they want to look PERFECT!
With all that said, I have to say that we, as Christians, should do the same spiritually. I went to a lot of trouble for my wedding day. I had my hair done by a professional. I made sure my wedding gown was clean, pressed, and perfect. I took care to ensure my veil held no wrinkles. My shoes? They had to be clean and white, without a trace of dirt. On our wedding night, I did not throw on sweat pants and an old t-shirt. I adorned myself with a beautiful gown, clean and white. My spiritual state should be the same.
When Jesus Christ enters into your life, you are a bride! You are HIS! From that moment on, you have the desire to be clean, to be desirable, and to be beautiful for Him. You have the longing to always be perfectly groomed on the inside. To come before Him in old, smelly clothes with greasy hair, and unbrushed teeth is to show a careless attitude towards Him and your place as His bride. I am speaking spiritually. In my marriage with Grant, there have been moments where we have not looked our best. There have been mornings when I have been sick, and moments when my hair has been a mess and my clothes have been wrinkled. BUT my desire is to ALWAYS be desirable to him....and I put forth an effort. So it should be with our Jesus. I never want to come before Him and be unkempt and undesirable. I never want Him to see me dirty and unclean. Again, spiritually, I want to be BEAUTIFUL for Him! As girls, we always make time to make sure our hair is just so, our make-up is flawless, our breath is sweet-smelling, etc. We buy the straighteners, the curlers, the curling irons, the hair spray, the mousse, the gel, the styling creme, and the shampoo. We spend money making sure we have the foundation, the bronzer, the concealer, the mascara, the eyeliner, lipliner, lipstick, lipgloss, and lipbalm. We buy the razors, the lotions, the teeth whitener, the nail polish, the perfume, the clothes, the shoes, and the jewelry.
Girls and women have a built-in desire to be gorgeous on the outside. It is my desire, however, to be gorgeous on the inside; to make THAT my priority. If we, as Christian ladies, learn to, first, polish and perfect the inside, then that will seep forth and make our outward appearance radiant and stunning.
Proverbs 31:30
"Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the LORD, she shall be praised."
Psalm 45:11"So shall the king greatly desire thy beauty: for he is thy Lord; and worship thou him."
Psalm 90:17a
"And let the beauty of the LORD our God be upon us...."
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Wait! I'm a Bride??
The other day, as I was driving home from town, I thought back to my wedding day. I do that quiet often. Now that I am expecting and my clothes are beginning to get tight, sometimes I sneak a peak at my wedding dress hanging in my closet and wonder if I will ever fit into it again! But regardless if I will be able to zip it up or not, I will always love my wedding dress. The same goes for my wedding shoes (which were GORGEOUS, by the way!), my wedding veil, and my jewelry.
Here is a question: Do you think I could forget my wedding attire?
Would you forget your wedding attire? Would you forget your wedding day?
Sounds ridiculous, doesn't it? A BRIDE forgetting about her wedding day? A BRIDE forgetting about her wedding dress? Unheard of, right?
A few nights ago, I was reading my Bible and my eyes hit a verse that stopped me in my tracks.
Jeremiah 2:32
"Can a maid forget her ornaments, or a bride her attire?
"Can a maid forget her ornaments, or a bride her attire?
yet my people have forgotten me days without number."
Over and over, I read and re-read that verse and I asked myself, Could I forget my wedding attire? Could I forget what a beautiful day my wedding day was? Or how beautiful I felt? No. Not at all! Yet.... have I ever forgotten, for one moment, about my Lord?
A sobering thought. It is a scary one too. Here, the Bible plainly says that the people of God have forgotten Him. Yet, a bride does not forget what her wedding gown looks like. How can that be???
I have to admit, I was convicted when I read that verse. I have been guilty of forgetting about my Savior. Not a day goes by that I don't think about my wedding at some point. When I look at my handsome husband, sometimes I think back to the smile he had on his face when we shared our first kiss at the alter. When I struggle to zip up my jeans, I sometimes think back to how easy it was to zip up my gown on my wedding day. When I see a wedding show on TV or pass a bridal party in town, I remember my own day. But at the same time, I have gone a day and never remember the great love of Jesus Christ, and the sacrifice He made on my behalf. I have gone a day (even two!) without stopping to thank Him for all that He has done. I have spent a quiet evening alone and never once pause and just bask in His goodness. I have forgotten HIM!!!
That verse in Jeremiah spoke to me and humbled me greatly. Never again do I want to forget about my Master, my Savior. Never again do I want to forget about all that He has done. I challenge you as I challenge myself to REMEMBER our King. Remember His love. Remember His commands. Remember His faithfulness. Remember His might. Remember.....
Do not forget, even for one moment, that you are His! His people, His creation, His bride...
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
The Single-Hearted Virgins
Written by Thaysse Costa and found on the Set-Apart Girl website in their latest magazine, the following poem captures what should be the heart of every young woman.
I heard Him say, "Be single-hearted, My Bride"
The applause and shame of men despise.
Care not at all what they think and say,
Place thy eyes on Me: I will not delay.
Break at My feet alone thy spikenard jar,
I want thy heart from Me not afar.Incline to Me thy intimate thoughts;
Embrace the narrow road that is rough -
For My love is far better than wine;
For thou art Mine, and I am thine.
Run to Me despite what thy enemies tell,
I have crushed them under My feet; they all fell.
My blood will cover thee in and out of need,
It will empower thee for multitudes to feed.
Examine My Word to find Me alone,
Each new day let me rule in thy hearts throne.
Be not afraid, I uphold thee in My right hand;
I am the One who will make thee stand.
My grace, love, and peace have already sufficed;
I AM thy Lover, thy LORD; I AM thy Christ.
Deny thy interests, give Me thy life;
I long to make thee a gracious wife.
The single-hearted virgins were bought with a price;
Their affection and interest are for the Risen Christ.
With undivided heart they delight in His name,
To be His and His alone they are not ashamed.
In Adullam's cave they have joined their King;
In being hunted and despised for His sake they rejoice and sing.
There they are made ready for the fight,
Being freshly anointed with the captain's might.
In pain and purging they cleave to the Spirit's Sword;
In the Lord's strength and grace they march forward.
The Lamb's righteousness is their cloak,
And only in the cross they dare to boast.
They become Mary sitting at Jesus' feet,
And following only where the Spirit leads.
With effectual fervent prayers they intercede;
Building up broken walls, standing for the least.
They do not indulge under a chapel's bell,
But spend themselves within an yard from hell.
In the bedrocks of unchangeable truth they stand
Immovable and shielded by the Almighty Hand.
And this is the single-hearted virgins' cry:
"Give the glory due to the Triune GOD on High!"
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Like a Bride Adorned
A few days before my wedding, my parents presented me with a special gift: a beautiful white gown and robe for my wedding night. Along with their present was a small card. When I opened to read what they had written inside the card, all I found was this:
Revelation 21:2
Dad and Mom
It didn't take long for me to find the verse which says, And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. a bride adorned for her husband.
I had read that verse many times throughout my life, but that night, just a few short days until my wedding, that verse took on a whole new meaning.
For her HUSBAND. Not a crowd of people. Not her friends or family, but for her husband. To me, that speaks of privacy. I think of intimacy. Sacred. Mysterious. I think of purity. How should a bride be adorned for her husband? She should be adorned in holiness, in glory. She should be adorned in beauty, but it should be a beauty that is reserved for her husband only. Far too many women refuse to protect that which is pure and sacred. In our culture, girls and women flaunt their bodies and reveal themselves to everyone around them. Then when they adorn themselves for their husband on their wedding night, they are giving him a view of their beauty that has, usually, already been glimpsed, if not completely seen, by many others. Sadly, the adorning that most choose is NOT likely to be compared to the holy city of Jerusalem in all its splendor and glory.
If I could encourage you girls, ladies, and brides out there to do one thing, I would encourage you to adorn yourself honorably for your husband. Keep what is sacred, SACRED. Keep what is mysterious under wraps. Make up your mind to refuse to dress or act unholy. My prayer for each of you is for you, as a bride, to be holy and clothed in that holy city of God we will see one day.
Revelation 21:2
Dad and Mom
It didn't take long for me to find the verse which says, And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. a bride adorned for her husband.
I had read that verse many times throughout my life, but that night, just a few short days until my wedding, that verse took on a whole new meaning.
When I think of the new Jerusalem that will come down from Heaven one day, I think of beauty. Splendor. Glory. Shining, glistening, gleaming.... When the holy city comes down, it will be a sight to behold! And the Bible likens that glorious picture to a bride adorned for her husband. What a comparison!! Before that night when my parents presented me with their special gift, I had always thought that the bride's adorning the verse spoke about was her wedding gown. And it could very well be. However, after I received that beautiful evening gown and robe, I began to really dwell on that verse. a bride adorned for her husband.

If I could encourage you girls, ladies, and brides out there to do one thing, I would encourage you to adorn yourself honorably for your husband. Keep what is sacred, SACRED. Keep what is mysterious under wraps. Make up your mind to refuse to dress or act unholy. My prayer for each of you is for you, as a bride, to be holy and clothed in that holy city of God we will see one day.
Friday, August 27, 2010
As He Rejoices
Isaiah 62:5
For as a young man marrieth a virgin, so shall thy sons marry thee: and as the bridegroom rejoiceth over the bride, so shall thy God rejoice over thee.
As the bridegroom rejoices over his shall God rejoice over you.
That jumps out at me and gives me such girlish delight! As a girl, as a woman, as a lady, and as a bride, you LONG for your love to rejoice over you. You long for him to gaze at you in awe. When he speaks of you, you want his words to drip honey! Being rejoiced over by a prince is every girl's desire!
When I fell in love with Grant, I wanted him to love me with a love that could not be matched by any other human. I wanted him to be anxiously excited when he spoke to me or when he saw me. I wanted him to REJOICE over me. And he wanted to be rejoiced over as well.
When I married Grant, that feeling exploded and began to rise to a much higher level. I not only wanted him to rejoice over seeing me or speaking with me, but I wanted him to rejoice when he came home to me at the end of the day, when he tasted dinner made specially by me for him. I wanted him to rejoice over me as I kept house, cooked, cleaning, washed, and ironed. He is my bridegroom and I want to always be worthy of his rejoicing; of his delight. And I want to rejoice over him too!
" the bridegroom rejoiceth over the bride..."
We often wrap ourselves so deep into earthly relationships that we become completely oblivious to the need of our heavenly romance. We long for our fiance' or husband and we work hard to be worthy of him and have him fall more in love with us every day. But rarely do we work to make ourselves a holy, pure, empty vessel that Christ desires us to be. If we would spend as much time and effort and energy every day beautifying ourselves spiritually, and making the temple of God (us!) a more pleasant, clean, and holy place for our heavenly Bridegroom to dwell, then our God would definitely rejoice over us more than we could fathom! Let us "seek Him first" and make our relationship with Him our first priority. Let us desire to be desirable by Him. Let us long to be rejoiced over by HIM. Our earthly marriage is VERY important, but always remember that our Heavenly Marriage is the foundation for it all.
For as a young man marrieth a virgin, so shall thy sons marry thee: and as the bridegroom rejoiceth over the bride, so shall thy God rejoice over thee.
As the bridegroom rejoices over his shall God rejoice over you.
That jumps out at me and gives me such girlish delight! As a girl, as a woman, as a lady, and as a bride, you LONG for your love to rejoice over you. You long for him to gaze at you in awe. When he speaks of you, you want his words to drip honey! Being rejoiced over by a prince is every girl's desire!

When I married Grant, that feeling exploded and began to rise to a much higher level. I not only wanted him to rejoice over seeing me or speaking with me, but I wanted him to rejoice when he came home to me at the end of the day, when he tasted dinner made specially by me for him. I wanted him to rejoice over me as I kept house, cooked, cleaning, washed, and ironed. He is my bridegroom and I want to always be worthy of his rejoicing; of his delight. And I want to rejoice over him too!
" the bridegroom rejoiceth over the bride..."
Now, let us look at the second part of that verse, so shall thy God rejoice over thee. That brings me to a whole new dimension! So shall GOD rejoice? When I think of it, I have to ask myself if I have done anything that merits the LORD God to rejoice over me? Have I? To be honest, no.
Praise God From Whom ALL Blessings Flow
It's funny how I have been married for four months and a part of me still feels like a bride. I hope I never lose that feeling! I hope 20, 30, 40, and 50 years from now, I still feel like a bride on her honeymoon. I know I have said it many times, but I have to say it again. I love being married!
I am a daughter. I am a sister. I am a granddaughter. I am a niece. I am a cousin. I am a friend.
I am a WIFE! ....and this spring I will become something else. I will become a mother!
God Almighty has seen fit to touch me intimately and physically and has blessed my womb with a life! A soul! A little one. I am beyond humbled. I am 7 weeks into my pregnancy and I covet your prayers. Please pray that this little life will be a mighty prince or princess for the Kingdom of Christ!
In closing, all I can say is:
Psalm 127:3-5
Lo, children are an heritage of the LORD: and the fruit of the womb is his reward. As arrows are in the hand of a mighty man; so are children of the youth. Happy is the man that hath his quiver full of them: they shall not be ashamed, but they shall speak with the enemies in the gate.
I am a daughter. I am a sister. I am a granddaughter. I am a niece. I am a cousin. I am a friend.
I am a WIFE! ....and this spring I will become something else. I will become a mother!
God Almighty has seen fit to touch me intimately and physically and has blessed my womb with a life! A soul! A little one. I am beyond humbled. I am 7 weeks into my pregnancy and I covet your prayers. Please pray that this little life will be a mighty prince or princess for the Kingdom of Christ!
In closing, all I can say is:
Praise God from whom ALL blessings flow!
Psalm 127:3-5
Lo, children are an heritage of the LORD: and the fruit of the womb is his reward. As arrows are in the hand of a mighty man; so are children of the youth. Happy is the man that hath his quiver full of them: they shall not be ashamed, but they shall speak with the enemies in the gate.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Friday, August 6, 2010
To Top It Off!
.... I didn't think so.
In my post about our wedding cake, I likened the cake to salvation. Salvation is sweet! Salvation is amazing! It is the precious blood of Christ which redeemed us from sin! While thinking about our cake topper, I suddenly had a great revelation!
My God did not just give me salvation, but also SO much more!
Think about it. Salvation would have been enough. God Himself, in all His divine glory came down to this earth. He put on flesh, He lived on earth, He endured trials and temptations. He suffered. He was refused and rejected. He died. And He did it all for me....and for you. He gave all that He was to redeem us from our sin. We did not deserve His salvation. We did not deserve His love or grace, or His pardon. We surely did not deserve His sacrifice. Yet He gave it....and then He gave more!!
When we accept Him as our Lord and Savior, He not only comes into our hearts and lives and SAVES us, but then He blesses us, directs us, convicts us, teaches us, strengthens us, comforts us, and enables us to do His will. Talk about icing on the cake!
Galations 5:22 and 23 says that the fruit of the Spirit (meaning, the proof and evidence of having Him in our lives) is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, and temperance. James 1:5 says that if we lack wisdom, to ask God in faith, and He will give it liberally (meaning, as much as we need!). Wow! All those wonderful gifts given freely by Jesus to those who call upon Him.
In a wedding, there is a cake. It is beautiful and sweet to the taste - like Salvation. But in most weddings, there is also a cake topper; an added touch on the top. It may be flowers, a figurine of the bride and groom, a crystal shape or, like my husband and I, a monogram letter. It is a personal touch to the cake that is already wonderful and perfect! So it is spiritually. Salvation is already there, waiting to be "eaten"....and to top it off, our great King also places a personal, added touch on top! Blessings! Gifts! ....and more!
Ephesians 1:3"Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ."
Ephesians 3:20
"Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us."
Thursday, July 29, 2010
More of Him
This song has been on my heart all day. Grant and I asked our dear friends to sing the following song at our wedding. Written and recorded by Eric and Leslie Ludy, you can listen to and download the song on iTunes.
In a marriage, it is easy to demand that things be all about us. More of "my way," more of "my needs met" and "my likes." But in reality, for a marriage to flourish and thrive, it should be ALL about more of Jesus.... in life, and in marriage.
I stand before you nowWith a sacred vow
To love you for a lifetime
To give all my heartBut there's One who's there
Where my love will fail
And He is all that I'm not
So now I must decrease
Usher His full glory in
May there be less of me and more of Him
When you see me
May you see reflections
Of One who's perfection won't end
When you hold me
May you feel the touch of
The One who loves much more
Than I can comprehend
When you fall more in love with me
May you fall more in love with Him
As the years go by
May I always try
To draw you closer to your one true destinyMy love for you is great
But it's just a taste
Of what's waiting in eternity
So now I must decrease
Usher His full glory in
May there be less of me and more of Him
When you see me
May you see reflections
Of One who's perfection won't end
When you hold me
May you feel the touch of
The One who loves much more
Than I can comprehend
When you fall more in love with me
May you fall more in love with Him
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
I Promise To Be There... Occasionally.
My sister had a great status on Facebook this morning that convicted me, challenged me, and inspired me. I'll share it with you:
Does a wife have to write down when to talk, spend time or show love towards her husband on her calender? Does she talk to him just one time a week IF she feels ok? NO! Then we as Christians should NOT do the same to God. We are the Bride of Christ therefore HE is our husband. We should delight ourselves in Him. Lets not cheat on HIM with our pillow, FB etc or even OUR time. He wants to spend time with us.
How true that is! As a newlywed, I understand it in a new light. I would never even think of arranging time on my calendar to "fit" my husband in my life when it is convenient for me. I would never cheat on Him in any way with any one! I would never ignore him throughout the week and save the sweet looks, praising words, and gentle touches for one day of the week. I would never act like I wasn't married when around friends, family, or strangers. How could I?? I have given my all to him and have promised to be faithful and true forever. I LOVE being married and I love spending time with my husband. While he is at work, I spend the day making the house and home acceptable to him; cozy, clean, comfortable. When 5 o'clock rolls around, I'm watching the window, excited about seeing him after a day's work. I work to make it quite clear that I am married; I am taken; I belong to someone. Why would a wife act differently??
But my sister had a point. Too often we, as spiritual brides and wives, do exactly that! We ignore our Prince throughout the week. We go to work, go to school, go to parties, clubs, the bar, and then pop in Church Sunday morning and put on a grand show. We tote our Bible into Sunday School and read His love letter to us, without being moved or affected...much less changed. We sing the hymns, nod our heads during the sermon, then go home. And as we reach our house, the Bible is put back on the shelf where it will remain for the rest of the week. We do not pray (unless we need something). And we assume that our Groom is satisfied and pleased with our "time." God, forgive us. We cheat on Him. We are unfaithful to our God, putting everything in the world above Him. We will sleep late and skip Church, we will read books and magazines more than our Bibles. We will spend more time watching TV, surfing the internet, or out with friends than in the presence of God, praying. We use our talents and gifts to glorify ourselves instead of glorifying Christ and leading others to Him. When we asked Him to save us and come into our lives, we relinquished our rights. We gave Him all. And quite often, we take it back later. When we want our way, instead of His, we break our promise to serve Him, obey Him, follow Him, and love Him. We do what is convenient for us, instead of what is commanded of us.
We have made it too easy to forget and ignore our Bridegroom. We don't want Him "in the way" of our activities and plans, because...well, let's face it, He may not like them. Yet, we claim to be His servants, His children, His BRIDE.
I am guilty, too, of not giving my Heavenly Love as much time as my earthly love. I am guilty of being more excited to see my husband, than spending time in the presence of my King.
So it is time to change. It is time to re-evaluate. It is time to repent.
If you are human, like me, then you are probably in the same shoes as I am. So join me in giving Jesus, our Heavenly and Mighty Prince, our ALL...every day, every hour, every moment.
Revelation 19:7 -
"Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready."
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Eternally Newlyweds
Can I say that? Good. Thank you. ;)My hubby and I have been married for a grand total of 95 days! ....(which, sadly, is a record these days)
We are still newlyweds. *bats eyes*
Actually, Grant and I have both made a decision that we will work to have the "honeymoon" feeling for the rest of our lives. We want to always be so totally in love that, 20 years from now, people will think we are just newly married. Tomorrow, we want to be more in love with each other than we are today. It takes work. It takes effort. There have been days when we have grown lazy. But all in all, I have to say that we feel more blessed, more excited, more passionate, and more in love today than on our honeymoon. So far, so good!
You know, as a bride and as a wife, I want to feel like a newlywed for the rest of my life. But here is a thought: Should we not feel the same way about our Heavenly Husband? Think about it. Go back in time. When you first asked Jesus to come into your heart and life and change you, make you whole, make you new, and SAVE you, didn't you feel just wonderful?! :) Didn't you feel light and happy and completely at peace? Didn't you feel like you could walk on air? Didn't you want to shout, laugh, and cry all at the same time? You were COMPLETELY in love! You were a spiritual newlywed. :) Why is it that we lose that newlywed feeling towards our Love? Why do we get lazy in our attempt to fall more and more in love with Christ? Why are we slack? Why are we selfish and indifferent? Why do we act so deeply amazed by Him when we walk in Church, but then leave and ignore Him the rest of the week? Or call to Him when we are in trouble? Is that the reason we "married" our Heavenly Prince? Would any wife marry her husband only to give him attention one day a week? Call him only when she needs help changing a flat tire?
It is a profound thought. A convicting one.
As a wife, I adore my husband! Though he is human, I look at him as my Prince and my Knight. I want to be with him all the time. I watch the window and run and fix my hair as 5 o'clock rolls around each evening, when I know he is about to come home from work. I want his thoughts and opinions about everything. I want his approval. I want him pleased. So why are we not the same (and more!) with the King of Kings? Why do we not want to be in His presence every moment of every day? Why do we not anxiously and excitedly long for Him to come to us? Why do we not rid ourselves of the spiritual stench and sloppiness in our lives for Him? Why do we not seek Him in our every decision? Why do we ignore His commandments and standards and rules for our living? Why do we not care about pleasing Him?
I would have to say that we, as spiritual brides, are pretty rotten wives sometimes. We need to get our perspective corrected and work a bit harder. I don't know about you, but I want my relationship with my Heavenly Love to be MORE blissful and amazing every day. I want to be eternally newlyweds with my Jesus! Just as I long and work to keep the passion alive with my husband, I should work harder and long more strongly to keep the Heavenly Honeymoon spirit alive and well in my relationship with Christ.'s something to think about.
John 15:9 -
As the Father hath loved me, so have I loved you: continue ye in my love.
Song of Solomon 8:6a, 7a -
Set me as a seal upon thine heart, as a seal upon thine arm: for love is strong as death...Many waters cannot quench love, neither can the floods drown it:...
Jeremiah 31:3 -
The LORD hath appeared of old unto me, saying, Yea, I have loved thee with an everlasting love: therefore with lovingkindness have I drawn thee.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Pamela's Prayer
If you have never seen the inspirational movie, Pamela's Prayer, than you are definitely missing out! My parents discovered this movie several years ago and it was such an encouragement to me in my commitment to chaste living.
This is the trailer of a great and powerful movie that promotes purity and saving everything for marriage. Based on the true story of Pamela Bucklin, it is about a girl who obeys her earthly and heavenly father, and who pursues righteous and pure living....including saving her first kiss for her wedding day. Check it out and be inspired!
This is the trailer of a great and powerful movie that promotes purity and saving everything for marriage. Based on the true story of Pamela Bucklin, it is about a girl who obeys her earthly and heavenly father, and who pursues righteous and pure living....including saving her first kiss for her wedding day. Check it out and be inspired!
Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Man Wanted: Must be sensitive, honest, understanding, and caring. Must have good relationship with the Lord and be of high moral character. Must be strong for carrying overloaded luggage and must be brave in order to provide protection from bugs and rodents. Must have a working knowledge of the art of giving compliments and must know a good place to buy flowers. Most importantly, must possess large amounts of love to be given freely and often.
"Sometimes my friends ask me how I found a wonderful guy like you.
I tell them I placed a want ad with God."
(Courtesy of Rachelle Wardell)
I tell them I placed a want ad with God."
(Courtesy of Rachelle Wardell)
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Warrior Bride
I am SUCH a girly girl. I will admit it.
I adore bubble baths, candles, fluffy pillows, weddings, flowers, and chocolate; I love shoes, old films, dresses and, the tell-tale sign of any girly girl - the color pink. I love being a girl, being a bride, and being a wife. Books, movies, music, letters, or a hug can move me to tears at the drop of a hat.
But I am also tough. I can roll up my sleeves and get dirty. I can fight for justice and I want to defend the weak. I'm a girl, but I can wage war. ....and that is as it should be.
The Bible says that we, as Christians, are at war. This world is not a peaceful place, especially for a Child of the King. We are constantly battling Satan and his demons as we wrestle and push and fight to live out the Christian life in a world consumed with the lust of the flesh. We are continually at war with our own flesh, fighting to put it to death every moment of every day. And it is hard.
But we must FIGHT!! The Bible tells us, as Christians, to put on His heavenly armor and go to war with sin and self.
But we must FIGHT!! The Bible tells us, as Christians, to put on His heavenly armor and go to war with sin and self.
Ephesians 6:10-17
"Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness; And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace; Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God."
1 Timothy 6:12
"Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, whereunto thou art also called, and hast professed a good profession before many witnesses."
As a bride, we fight a lot of things. Stress, fatigue, distraction, irritability, and the occasional overwhelming urge to scream! With all the decisions to make, people to inform and direct, the things to buy, it is hard to keep our cool and remain calm, composed, and graceful. As Christians, it is much the same. We fight Satan and all the fruits of the darkness and of this world. It is hard to die and let Jesus live our lives through us. It is hard to remain kind, loving, longsuffering, patient, gentle, and meek. That is the war we are in! And, believe me, it is an intense war!
So, my words to you (and myself as well).......
"Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, whereunto thou art also called, and hast professed a good profession before many witnesses."
As a bride, we fight a lot of things. Stress, fatigue, distraction, irritability, and the occasional overwhelming urge to scream! With all the decisions to make, people to inform and direct, the things to buy, it is hard to keep our cool and remain calm, composed, and graceful. As Christians, it is much the same. We fight Satan and all the fruits of the darkness and of this world. It is hard to die and let Jesus live our lives through us. It is hard to remain kind, loving, longsuffering, patient, gentle, and meek. That is the war we are in! And, believe me, it is an intense war!
So, my words to you (and myself as well).......
Monday, June 28, 2010
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Don't Blanket My Fairytale!
Let's face it. As girls and women, we LOVE a good fairytale. Be honest. We love Cinderella, Snow White and Sleeping Beauty. We love their stories, we love their voices, we love their gowns...and we love their "happily ever afters."
Since I have been married, people have asked me about married life.
How is it?
What's it like?
Is it soooooo dreamy??
People have asked me if it is everything I imagined it. My answer? More. It is far more than I ever expected. It is wonderful and beautiful and fun and precious.... But it is also hard work.
When Grant and I were engaged, we were both shocked at the amount of people who threw wet blankets on our romance. It seemed like every time we turned around, there was another piece of marital advice like...
Enjoy it now. It won't be like that for long. *sweet smile*
Honey, marriage isn't ALL it's cracked up to be.
You just wait until after the honeymoon. Reality will hit hard.
Now... just don't expect it to be perfect, okay?
How's that for encouragement? Sadly, the wet blankets we received were from married people...Christian married people.
If I could give a bit of encouragement to upcoming brides and grooms, I would say,
Some people (like our wet blanket throwers) believe that once you say "I Do" the fairytale begins!...and that is partly true. But then they begin to experience the busy and hectic life of marital bliss and, unfortunately, what usually follows is a failure to communicate, a lack of interest, apathy, boredom, and downright laziness! Then they become a spokesperson for "Reality".....believing it their duty to blanket the fairytale dreams of others. But what many married (and non-married) people fail to realize is that you CAN have a fairytale romance! It IS possible!....BUT you must work for it. It will not be handed to you on a silver platter. It does not come with the marriage licence or the ring. Fairytale love is built, not simply given. You have to work through conflicts, work through problems and decisions, and work in the mud of your own selfishness. You have to get your hands dirty. You must make the effort and put in 110%, not just 50% like many believe. You have to put your mind to having a fairytale love. It is attainable....but you must do your part.
So, for all your brides out there, CONGRATULATIONS!!! A fairytale love that you could never imagine is at your fingertips. Roll up your sleeves, straighten your veil - and GO AFTER IT!!

Since I have been married, people have asked me about married life.
How is it?
What's it like?
Is it soooooo dreamy??
People have asked me if it is everything I imagined it. My answer? More. It is far more than I ever expected. It is wonderful and beautiful and fun and precious.... But it is also hard work.
When Grant and I were engaged, we were both shocked at the amount of people who threw wet blankets on our romance. It seemed like every time we turned around, there was another piece of marital advice like...
Enjoy it now. It won't be like that for long. *sweet smile*
Honey, marriage isn't ALL it's cracked up to be.
You just wait until after the honeymoon. Reality will hit hard.
Now... just don't expect it to be perfect, okay?
How's that for encouragement? Sadly, the wet blankets we received were from married people...Christian married people.
If I could give a bit of encouragement to upcoming brides and grooms, I would say,
BUT!.... it's hard work.
Some people (like our wet blanket throwers) believe that once you say "I Do" the fairytale begins!...and that is partly true. But then they begin to experience the busy and hectic life of marital bliss and, unfortunately, what usually follows is a failure to communicate, a lack of interest, apathy, boredom, and downright laziness! Then they become a spokesperson for "Reality".....believing it their duty to blanket the fairytale dreams of others. But what many married (and non-married) people fail to realize is that you CAN have a fairytale romance! It IS possible!....BUT you must work for it. It will not be handed to you on a silver platter. It does not come with the marriage licence or the ring. Fairytale love is built, not simply given. You have to work through conflicts, work through problems and decisions, and work in the mud of your own selfishness. You have to get your hands dirty. You must make the effort and put in 110%, not just 50% like many believe. You have to put your mind to having a fairytale love. It is attainable....but you must do your part.
Monday, June 21, 2010
A Cord of Three
Ecclesiastes 4:12b -
"....and a threefold cord is not quickly broken."
One of the most important and significant things I am learning in marriage is this: you MUST have Jesus to make it work! When Jesus is in the midst, there is a great calm. When His presence in with you and your spouse, there is peace and perspective.
When Grant and I were discussing all the many details throughout our engagement, we struggled to decide what verse we wanted inscribed on our invitations. There were so many that spoke to us, one of which was Ecclesiastes 4:12. We have learned, even in two short months of matrimony, that a threefold cord is, truly, not easily broken. If the cord was only twofold - Grant and myself - it would have the potential to break in a horrible storm. Grant and I are deeply in love and our love is strong, but unfortunately it isn't unbreakable unless there is a third cord; namely Jesus Christ. With Him in your marriage, as a cornerstone and centerpiece, and in His rightful place, problems are quickly resolved and difficult situations are easily handled and worked through.
One of my favorite poems, blogged in a previous entry, puts it perfectly...."And not one marriage fails where Christ is asked to enter, as lovers come together with Jesus at the center."
Fellow wives and brides, always, always, always put Jesus first. It's easier said than done, but it MUST be done for your cord to be strong. Keep pressing forward and tighten up the thread as you put Jesus in the center.
Remembering "Bridedom"

It is because my sis-in-law is now engaged!!
Congratulations, Kristin!
The ring is on, the date is set, the bride is busy planning, and well.... you know the rest. :) Just getting over my own wedding, I am excited for my sister-in-law as she prepares for her wedding day.
The ring is on, the date is set, the bride is busy planning, and well.... you know the rest. :) Just getting over my own wedding, I am excited for my sister-in-law as she prepares for her wedding day.
Anyway, congratulations Kristin! .....and all you other brides out there! Enjoy it! The best is yet to come!
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Our Story
* February 26, 2007: Grant first saw Kristen
* March 2007: Grant and Kristen officially meet
* June 2008: Deeper friendship begins
* October 21, 2008: Grant & Kristen make their relationship official and public
* December 27, 2008: Their first “I love you’s” are spoken
* January 31, 2009: Engagement!
* April 17, 2010: Wedding!!
*** KRISTEN: It was March of 2007 and I never thought the concert that night would mark the meeting of my future husband. I remember pulling up to the place we would be singing and noticing, from the window, a young man helping my Dad, my grandpa, and my uncle unload the equipment. He was very handsome. I remember this one moment at the end of the service. We were up there singing a hymn and I looked down from the stage and saw Grant standing there with his eyes closed and his hands raised slightly as he as singing. It made an impression on me. I didn't know him, but I remember thinking, "Wow." After the service, he came up to me and introduced himself. We parted with each other's e-mail addresses.
*** GRANT: What she forgot to tell you about this first meeting was that I asked her out on a date that night. Her response was a nervous, “I don’t date”. I was thinking, “What does that mean?” But anyhow, I left with her home phone number. I was excited. She seemed like a wonderful, God loving woman. I knew that she probably really was a true “God” girl...
*** KRISTEN: I gave Grant my home number, instead of my cell. And I gave him my e-mail address. We sent a few e-mails, then connected on Facebook. What impressed me was that he stuck around. I had made it clear that I wasn't a dating type of girl and usually guys would disapear after a while, when they realized that I wanted to cultivate friendships. Grant didn't. We had fun exchanging forwards, e-mails, and Facebook messages. He called a couple of times, but I actually wouldn't answer!
*** GRANT: I was interested in Kristen, but not smitten by her! So we slowly began to exchange emails. I called her a few times but she never answered and never called back. I remember thinking, "What is up with this girl? She says to call anytime but won’t answer or return any of my calls. How rude!" But time went on and we exchanged a few emails here and there.
*** KRISTEN: I enjoyed the e-mails and the Facebook messages. They were never long, they were never intimate or personal. Everything centered around friendship, laughter and, most importantly, Christ. We would chat about revivals and witnessing and what God was doing and we would exchange jokes. I truly thought of him as a friend and a brother.
*** GRANT: I planned to ask Kristen out on a date again, but I didn't. I waited and waited and finally sent her a Facebook message asking her out for dinner. I got a lame response from her, when she said “Let’s just wait and see, okay?” This time I thought “whatever” and went on with life.
*** KRISTEN: I was so confused by how I felt concerning Grant. He had asked me out to dinner, and I rejected a very strange way! Normally I would simply say, "No, thank you" and never think on it again. With Grant, I couldn't summon up the guts (or the want-to) to say a flat "No." So I said "maybe" or "let's just wait and see." I know it confused him. It confused me! But after a while, I began to seriously take a good look at Grant, as more than just a friend. He had been there as a brother, and as a friend, without pressuring me for a relationship or making flirtatious remarks. But it was obvious that his interest was there still. So in the early summer of 2008, I began to pray for God's will to be revealed in that area. I prayed for God's direction, His guidence, and that I would have the strength to go wherever He led.
*** GRANT: In May of 2008, Kristen and her family did a revival at my church. We hung out a little. I enjoyed being around her and her sisters after church. When the revival was over and after we loaded up their bus, I decided to ask her out for dinner yet again! And again I got a wild answer. I said, “Would you like to go to dinner sometime? Maybe some Italian food?”. She was like, “I don’t know, I'm really busy”. Frustrated, I said “Okay, just let me know.” I knew that she would not. Later that month, we came to her place for a bus fund-raiser. We got there the night before the event and she was riding her horse. So she and I went horseback riding for a few minutes and then she invited me to a movie with her sisters and uncle. After the fun-raiser the next day, she asked me to watch a movie with her that night *mouth drops open* Shocking!
*** KRISTEN: I remember being shocked that I even asked him to stay for a movie. But I did.
*** GRANT: A week later I came back down to ride horses on a Saturday with her. We rode all day, talked, and got sunburned. Then, the following month, I came back for a clean-up day at Psalms Camp and got to hang out with her again.
*** KRISTEN: I remember the horseback ride! We were so sore. That was the first time it was just the two of us, and I remember we talked about a lot of things! Bible, friendships, family, goals....we really got to know each other that day. And we were soooo sunburned by the end of the day! Grant and I really began hanging out in May of 2008. We went horseback riding and saw Narnia with my sisters and my uncle. I knew we were beginning to form a deeper relationship, other than just friendship, but I was in denial about the whole thing! Before I went to Brazil in July of 2008, Grant came over for dinner. I remember how nervous I felt, but that night marked a pivital point in our relationship. Before he left that night, he prayed for our trip to Brazil, and he prayed over me and with me. He also expressed his feelings in a deeper way and asked me how I viewed our relationship. I knew we both were attracted to the other but I was terrified and hestitant, so I said I considered us friends. I knew then I had to pray very hard. Deep down, I hoped he wouldn't walk away after I told him I considered us just friends.
*** GRANT: I asked her that night would she consider us as in a relationship. I definitely would not have thought of seeing anyone else. She said “No, we’re just friends...” I said “Okay” even though our relationship closely resembled something more. After she returned from Brazil, we started hanging out every weekend on Saturdays by going out witnessing with other friends. We saw several people saved. It was then that I saw a “sold-out” Christian woman; The type that you read about in Proverbs chapter 31. I loved to witness, pray, and serve God with her.
*** KRISTEN: When I came back from Brazil, and saw Grant a few days later, I knew this guy was not going away! Throughout the rest of the summer, I felt myself falling for him, little by little. I denied it to everybody, but everyone knew - especially my family. When we began witnessing together with some friends, that's when things really took off! When I first saw him lead a young man to the Lord, I was amazed. We quickly began building a deeper spiritual relationship. Witnessing together, praying together, seeing souls saved together - it was unbelievable! I fell in love with him through our shared ministry work. Serving God with him was a little bit of heaven on earth.
*** GRANT: As the summer ended and the new season of autumn came, I found myself falling very much in love with this woman. We continued to witness and hang out on the weekends. I loved it!
*** KRISTEN: When September rolled around, I was very much smitten. I guess we had been dating/courting all summer long, but we never made it public. Only our families knew, really. I remember telling a select few of my girl friends, whom I trusted, what was going on and how I wanted them to pray for guidence. I was very scared.
*** GRANT: In October, I knew it was time to move to the next step, so I asked Kristen one Saturday night if she would like to move this to the next level. I was so nervous, and so was she. She wanted some time and wanted to know what the “next step” would be. So we discussed it, and she said she needed time. I called her Dad and got his permission, and a nerve racking 3 days later I had my answer. On Tuesday on October 21st she decided that she wanted to move to the next step as well.
*** KRISTEN: I had had a feeling that Grant would be bringing up the next step soon. I knew I was falling for him, but was so scared of making a mistake. The night he asked me was completely nerve-wracking! I was shivering from the nerves. I told him I needed a little time to think and pray and he told me he would talk everything over with my Dad. That night, I remember Mom coming into my room and I spilled everything out and told her how I felt. I really wanted to take the next step, but I was so terrified! I spent a lot of time that night praying. I remember being up late, unable to fall asleep. The next day, Dad came to me telling me that Grant expressed serious feelings about me and wanted to pursue a courtship. We prayed and a couple of days later, I had a peace about it. So we moved ahead.
*** GRANT: Throughout the next few months we got to know each other on a new different level. We we’re falling in love, fast and hard. It was a wonderful season of growing in Faith and in each other!
*** KRISTEN: I did not expect anything! I remember thinking, the morning of January 31st, how handsome Gant looked when he showed up at my house. We went witnessing with my sisters and a few friends and then came to my house later that afternoon. Grant and I were going to meet his Mom for dinner but, before we left, Grant suddenly asked if I wanted to go for a walk. So we headed towards our Camp, where we normally go when we take walks. I remember him being unusually quiet but not once did I think anything of a proposal. I had told myself that it would be a few more months...or at least a couple more weeks! We walked down to my favorite spot on the Camp - the cross. From there, you see the Chapel and the lake. It's so peaceful and beautiful! When we got there, Grant stopped walking and turned and faced me. He grinned and said, "Close your eyes!" I remember wondering what was going on, but I closed my eyes and waited. When he told me to open them, he had a beautiful bouquet of lilies and roses in front of me. The first thing that came to my mind was shock. He had given me flowers plenty of times before, but it was never this extravagant for no reason. I remember thinking, "It's not my's not Valentine's's not Easter...." I was smelling them and thanking him when he suddenly pulled them out of my hands and laid them on the ground. Then when he turned back to me, he took a deep breath...and then it hit me! My eyes got wide and I said "You're not...." and he nodded. I remember screaming and being in complete shock! He finally had to tell me to please hush so he could talk!! He knelt down and said some of the most beautiful and sweet words I've ever heard, ending with "I want to spend the rest of my life serving God...with you. Will you marry me?" And I said "YES!"
*** GRANT and KRISTEN were married April 17, 2010 at 2 p.m. in a beautiful log chapel in south Arkansas. Surrounded by friends and family and 250 guests, they exchanged their vows and exchanged their first kiss. They currently have several avenues of ministry and love to travel, spreading God's message of Salvation everywhere they go!
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Our Covenant Vows
Many people have commented about the vows Grant and I used on our wedding day. It was difficult trying to decide what we wanted to say. We wanted more than the usual "I do" vows (though we included those while exchanging rings) but we also didn't feel led to write our own vows....yet we could not seem to find the right vows that would fit the commitment we were making to one another....until the last minute!
Somehow, we stumbled upon the story of a couple's wedding and marriage and we read, with awe, their vows to each other. It took less than 5 minutes for Grant and I to say - "That's it!!"
Our vows were so important to us. In a time when the divorce rate is 50/50, even in Christian marriages, we wanted our covenant marriage to have a covenant vow, a Biblical vow. Our desire is to have a beautiful marriage relationship, that exhibits Christ and is a picture of all that He is. We wanted our vows to reflect what true marriage is supposed to be; the husband's role and the woman's role. We wanted our vows to be more than just a repeated promise that is broken daily by thousands all over the world, but a covenant vow to one another based upon the Word of God and Biblical principles. So, each part of our vows were taken from Scripture. So, below are our vows. I hope for all of you bride's reading, that it inspires you and gives you a glimpse of what marriage is really supposed to be. And for those of you who are already married, may it strengthen you and encourage you in your marriage relationship with your spouse.
Somehow, we stumbled upon the story of a couple's wedding and marriage and we read, with awe, their vows to each other. It took less than 5 minutes for Grant and I to say - "That's it!!"
Our vows were so important to us. In a time when the divorce rate is 50/50, even in Christian marriages, we wanted our covenant marriage to have a covenant vow, a Biblical vow. Our desire is to have a beautiful marriage relationship, that exhibits Christ and is a picture of all that He is. We wanted our vows to reflect what true marriage is supposed to be; the husband's role and the woman's role. We wanted our vows to be more than just a repeated promise that is broken daily by thousands all over the world, but a covenant vow to one another based upon the Word of God and Biblical principles. So, each part of our vows were taken from Scripture. So, below are our vows. I hope for all of you bride's reading, that it inspires you and gives you a glimpse of what marriage is really supposed to be. And for those of you who are already married, may it strengthen you and encourage you in your marriage relationship with your spouse.
I, Nathan Grant Lee, covenant before God and man, to you Kristen Elizabeth Lisemby to be your loving husband, and to lead you, to protect you, and provide for you in the fear of the Lord[1]. I vow to love you as my wife even as Christ also loved the church, to lay down my life for you[2]; to wash you with the water of the word[3]; to love you as my own body and to nourish and cherish you even as the Lord does the church; to render unto you the affection due you, knowing that I do not have authority over my own body but you do[4]; to dwell with you according to knowledge, giving honor unto you, as unto the weaker vessel, and living together with you as heirs together of the grace of life[5]. You alone will be my delight as the wife of my youth[6]. I will fight for you, for our sons, for our daughters, and for our household[7]. The Lord do so to me, and more also, if anything but death parts you and me[8]. I will be yours in times of plenty and in times of want, in times of sickness and in times of health, in times of joy and in times of sorrow, in times of failure and in times of triumph. I pledge to you my life as a loyal and faithful husband[9].
1 Timothy 5:8 ** Ephesians 5:25 ** Ephesians 5:26 ** 1 Corinthians 7:4
1 Peter 3:7 ** Proverbs 5:18 ** Nehemiah 4:14 ** Ruth 1:17 ** Hosea 2:19-20
I, Kristen Elizabeth Lisemby, covenant before God and man, to you Nathan Grant Lee to be your loyal wife and to submit myself under your headship[10]. Just as the Church is subject to Christ[11], so I will be to you in everything. I will live first unto our God and then unto you, loving you, caring for you, obeying you, and ever seeking to please you as my earthly lord[12]. I will be your discreet, chaste keeper at home[13], diligently, industriously, and faithfully caring for the affairs of your household so that your heart may always safely trust in me[14]. If the Lord chooses to so bless us, it will be my delight to be your fruitful bearer[15] of children, and I will help you diligently teach them the commandments of the Lord as we talk of them in your house, as we walk by the way, when we lie down, and when we rise up[16]. Wherever you go, I will go; and wherever you lodge, I will lodge; your people shall be my people, And your God, my God[17]. The Lord do so to me, and more also, If anything but death parts you and me[18]. I will be yours in times of plenty and in times of want, in times of sickness and in times of health, in times of joy and in times of sorrow, in times of failure and in times of triumph, I pledge to you my life as an obedient and faithful wife.
Ephesians 5:22 ** Ephesians 5:24-25 ** 1 Peter 3:6 ** Titus 2:5 ** Proverbs 31:11
Psalms 128:3 ** Deuteronomy 6:7; 11:19 ** Ruth 1:16 ** Ruth 1:17
[1] 1 Timothy 5:8
[2] Ephesians 5:25
[3] Ephesians 5:26
[4] 1 Corinthians 7:4
[5] 1 Peter 3:7
[6] Proverbs 5:18
[7] Nehemiah 4:14
[8] Ruth 1:17
[9] Hosea 2:19-20
[10] Ephesians 5:22
[11] Ephesians 5:24-25
[12] 1 Peter 3:6
[13] Titus 2:5
[14] Proverbs 31:11
[15] Psalms 128:3
[16] Deuteronomy 6:7; 11:19
[17] Ruth 1:16
[18] Ruth 1:17
The Lord said in Ecclesiastes 5:5 that it is better never to make a vow, than to make one and break it.
Monday, May 10, 2010
The Bride Lives

After much thought, I have decided to continue blogging on this blog. After all, it IS subtitled "Viewing a Wedding and Marriage from God's Perspective." So I will continue to blog, first recapping some wedding planning topics I never had time for, and then writing about the amazing beauty of God's love and salvation demonstrated in a marriage relationship. I have also been praying (and hearing semi-threats from various friends and relatives) and, after discussing it with my husband and family, I have also decided to eventually compile a portion of this blog, my wedding planning thoughts, into a book one day; creating a journal-like journey through engagement and encouraging all brides to see the incredible love of God in every aspect of their crazy season of wedding preparation. So pray for me as I, first, continue writing and, second, begin to eventually compile this blog together in a book.
Stay tuned for updates and recapping. I will slowly begin blogging here again as I get more and more settled in my new home and in my new life. :) Until then, stay helplessly and completely in love with our King!...because after all, you ARE the King's Bride, are you not? :)
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